Beginning Your Crystal Journey- Part 2

Untitled design (5)This is part 2 of my blog mini-series on Beginning Your Crystal Journey. You can see part 1 of the blog mini-series about cleansing, charging, and programming your crystals here.

This part will go over how to work with crystals. This seems to be the bigger part that confuses people. More so, the newbies entering the world of crystal healing. They hold the crystal and nothing happens, resulting in thinking it’s a bunch of horse-hockey or worse, that crystals don’t work for them.

woman-hand-girl-glassSelecting Your Crystal
First, let’s talk about crystal selection. There are a lot of ways you can select a crystal. One way is to match it with:

  • A specific God or Goddess
  • One of the 4 elements
  • Any chakra color (Click here for a chart)
  • A suggestion made by a tarot card
  • Their healing properties
  • Etc.

There is no wrong way in how you select a crystal. However, the most useful way of selecting crystals is to use your intuition. If you feel drawn to a certain crystal, you need to work with it. It’s that simple. That “drawn to” feeling feels like a strong urge, or an extreme need. But sometimes you will pick one up and notice things that do not normally happen, like, the crystal is either physically shaking or vibrating in your hand. Sometimes it might be warmer or colder than all the others.  I’ve even had crystals, literally, fall at my feet. I’ve also had them shake or vibrate. Regardless of how your intuition triggers or the crystals show themselves to you, believe me, you will KNOW when it happens. Even if your intuition is only nudging you a little, go with it. (Note: By listening to your intuition and following it, you are developing it so that it becomes more sensitive.)

pexels-photo-390574Beginning the Work
How you work with crystals is by way of meditation. You can meditate for however long you like or have time for. Even 5 minutes is better than none. Set the timer on your phone and let go. If you are new to working with crystals or are working with a crystal for the first time, try to stick with one crystal per meditation. When you get more experience, you can add another. The reason is, when you are acclimating to a crystal or learning how to work with them, you don’t want your messages and experience with that crystal “mudded up”.

What you’ll need:


  1. Sit down in a place where you’ll be free of all distractions. If you have an altar or a sacred space, this is the perfect place. (Get a free, printable version of my eBook, “How to Create a Sacred Space” here.) Be sure you’re comfortable. There is no need to be in the lotus position or on a fancy pillow seat. Just sit however you are most comfortable. Set the mood by doing whatever calms you: play music, light candles, etc. You could even do this in a bubble bath if you like!
  2. Hold your crystal(s) or place them in front of you. In your lap is fine too but you need to be able to gaze at or hold the crystal. I prefer to have one in each hand. You and your crystal are the only 2 beings in this moment. Be conscious of how the crystal feels in your hands; how it looks on the inside; how it feels to the touch. Fall in love with your crystal!
  3. Focus on your breath. Inhale through your nose for 5 seconds, pause for 1 second, breath out through your mouth for 5 seconds. Relax your muscles from head to toe, willing each body part to relax completely.
  4. Now, focus on the job you have given your crystal. Open yourself to receiving the messages in this crystal meditation. Make a mental note of any emotional releases you have, thoughts, epiphanies, or visions you have.
  5. When the timer goes off, take a moment to journal your experience. Jot down all the emotional releases you have, thoughts, epiphanies, or visions you had…or didn’t have. (Note: If you do not receive any profound visions, messages, etc. don’t feel left out. Maybe it just means you received more of a physical healing than an enlightening session. Journal it no matter what.)
  6. Close the meditation with a thank you to those that guide you. Resume your day or night with a consciousness of your meditation. (You may or may not continue to receive messages.)
  7. Keep your crystal close by and repeat this meditation for 4 consecutive days before selecting another crystal. The more you work with your crystal, the more healing and guidance you will get from it.

This concludes part 2 of the mini-series. Part 3 will be about storage and maintenance of your crystal collection, which is always helpful.


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Also, if you want to do some crystal shopping online, you can visit my shop here. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, message me there and let me know. I love going crystal shopping for people! I also may have some in stock that have not yet been listed.


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